Surge Protection for Amusement Park Motor Control and PLC Cabinets

Amusement Park Ride

Today's increased reliance on very sensitive electronics makes surge protection an important topic for Amusement Park motor control systems and PLC cabinets used for amusement park rides. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety study found that $26 billion dollars was lost due to non-lightning power surges. In addition, there are about 25 million lightning strikes in the US each year that cause between $650M to $1B in losses according to the Insurance Information Institute, State Farm©.

Amusement Park Ride Control Panel

Selecting SPD for MCC and PLC Cabinets

NEC/NFPA 70 require that Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) shall be UL1449 Listed. This means selecting a surge protector is easier than it has ever been. There are only a few choices available for SPDs that are UL Listed for any of the most commonly used surge standards including UL1449 5th Edition, UL497B, and UL497E.

Main Service Panel | Motor Control Center | PLC Cabinet | Motor

Recommended SPD for Main Service Panel

LocationEquipmentSystemSurge Protector Model#Link
Main-Panel Main Panelboard480Vac MDS750E-480D MDS750E-480D

Recommended SPD for Motor Control Center (MCC)

LocationEquipmentSystemSurge Protector Model#Link
MCC Motor Control
Power Input
DS74US-480D DS74US-480D

Power Supply120-240Vac
Power Input
DS72US-240T/NN DS72US-240TNN

Power Output
DS220S-24DC DS220S-24DC

4-20mA DLA-24D3 DLA-24D3 v.2

Discrete I/ORS-485 DLA-12D3 DLA-24D3 v.2

Cat 6A

Recommended SPD for PLC Cabinet

LocationEquipmentSystemSurge Protector Model#Link
Remote IO Cabinet Open PLC Cabinet120-240Vac
Power Input
DS72US-240T/NN DS72US-240TNN

Power Output

4-20mA DLA-24D3 DLA-24D3 v.2

Discrete I/ORS-485 DLA-12D3 DLA-24D3 v.2

Cat 6A

P8AX09-6G-N/FF P8AX09-6G-N-FF

Recommended SPD for Motors

LocationEquipmentSystemSurge Protector Model#Link
Motor 200hp Motor480Vac
Power Input
M50-480D-A M50-A

Relay Input
DS71US-275 DS71US-275


1NFPA 70 edition 2020, Article 670 Industrial Machinery, 670.6 Surge Protection
2NFPA 70 edition 2014, “Data Assessment for Electrical Surge Protective Devices”
3NFPA 79 edition 2018
4NFPA 79 edition 2018, Annex C, Examples of Industrial Machines Covered by NFPA 79
5ANSI C62.41, Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits
6ANSI C136.2, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Dielectric Withstand and Electrical Transient
7UL8801, Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) Luminaire Systems
8UL1598, Luminaires
9UL924, Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment
10UL1449 5th Edition, Surge Protective Devices
11UL497B, Surge Protectors for Data Lines and Fire-Alarm Circuits
12UL497E, Antenna Lead-in Conductors
13UL508, Industrial Control Equipment
14IEC 61643-11, Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 11: Surge Protective Devices Connected To Low-Voltage Power Systems - Requirements And Test Methods
15IEC 61643-21, Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 21: Surge Protective Devices Connected To Telecommunications And Signalling Networks - Performance Requirements And Testing Methods
16IEC 61000-45, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing And Measurement Techniques - Surge Immunity Test
17CSA 107.1, General Use Power Supplies
18CSA 141, Emergency Lighting Equipment
19CSA 250, Luminaires
20NOM-001-SCFI, Standard for Electronic Equipment
21NOM-003-SCFI, Electrical Products - Safety Requirements
22UL 121201, UL Standard for Safety Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

Contact us to develop a surge mitigation solution for your application

Where to purchase Citel SPD's