Specialist in Overvoltage Protection

CITEL protects all electronic and electric equipment from lightning strikes and electrical transients caused by lightning, switching transients, and electromagnetic interferences.

For this, CITEL manufactures two complementary products lines:

Gas Discharge Tubes (GDTs)

GDTs are the basic passive components used to protect communication switches and equipment from voltage surges. The GDT is a small, high-tech component (less than 1 cm) which is generally installed on data networks by telecommunication operators.

CITEL is the only SPD manufacturer that produces our own GDT. These components have a long history of reliable performance and are integrated into many of our surge protection devices.

Thanks to many patents, CITEL products are homologated by many leading international companies.

Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)

SPDs are units combining several surge protection components (SPC). They may be used by original equipment manufacturers (OEM), network operators, or by end users.

They are designed to be incorporated in an installation to protect all electric, electronic, and data-processing equipment from transient overvoltages.

The CITEL Range: Wide and Complete

Whether it is a standard or custom solution, we pride ourselves on covering all our clients' needs specific to their application. This desire guides our daily activities and is fundamental to our mission.

Adapting to the specific needs of local markets, risk levels, and applications, we offer protection for low voltage installations, communication networks, photovoltaic systems, and LED lighting.

The millions of SPDs made and sold by CITEL each year are proof positive of the high-quality standards, consistency, and reliability of our products that our clients and partners around the world have come to expect.

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