State Farm - Top 5 States of 2021 - Lightning Claims Last year, State Farm paid $107M to nearly 9,000 customers repair or rebuild their homes following damages from lightning strikes. Although lightning is an amazing act of nature, it can cause damage far beyond a storm you watch through your windows. Take for instance, lightning can strike up to 15 miles away from a developed storm. That’s why the adage “When thunder roars, go indoors” makes so much sense and why we get so nervous when that one family member (we all have one) rushes outside when they hear thunder. Top Five StatesTotal Claims Paid 1. Texas$7.7M 2. Georgia$7.3M 3. California$6.8M 4. Alabama$6.6M 5. Louisiana$5.6M According to the Insurance Information Institute, ground surges account for 50% of lightning-related claims. This means that if lightning strikes near a home, it can cause a spike in electricity and short out its electrical systems. Think the cost to replace shorted out electronics won’t hit your pocketbook too hard? Considering that in 2021, the average cost of a lightning claim from State Farm was $12,000, you may think again. Top Five MonthsTotal Claim Cost 1. September$19.5M 2. August$19M 3. October$13M 4. November$9.8M 5. December$9.5M “Look at everything in your home that is plugged into a wall. Now, take into account how much it would cost to replace even half of those items,” said Gina Wilken, State Farm Public Affairs Specialist. “Preparation is key for any kind of weather, and lightning is no exception.” Surge Protective Device at Main Electrical Panel To prepare your home for lightning: Consider investing in lightning protection system and surge protectors Consider only a UL-listed surge protection device Talk with a trusted manufacturer to get the right system for your needs Reference Standards for Lightning Protection and Surge Protective Devices (SPD) : NFPA780, NFPA 70, UL96A, UL1449, UL497A, UL497B, UL497E Selecting the appropriate SPD Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) shall be UL1449 Type 4CA or better including Type 1, Type 2, Type 1CA and Type 2CA. Per ANSI C136.2-2017, it should be tested to the appropriate exposure level based on the application or installed location. The UL1449 Type 4CA Surge Protective Devices (SPD) have undergone more stringent safety testing than UL1449 Type 5 Components including the critical abnormal overvoltage - limited current testing. Recommended Surge Protectors for LED Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) 120/240Vac Recommended Surge Protectors for 120/240Vac Lighting Protection Systems (LPS) Exposure LevelEquipmentSystemSurge Protector Model#Link ExtremeMain Panel120/240Vac MDS750E-120T ExtremeLighting Control Panel120VacPower Input DS73US-120T/G Power Supply120Vac Power Input DS72US-120S/G 24Vdc Power Output DS220S-24DC ControllerEthernet Cat 6A MJ8-C6A POE Camera MJ8-POE-A 4-20Ma DLA-24D3 Wireless P8AX09-6G-N/FF ExtremeLight Pole Hand Hole120-240Vac Power Input MLPXUVG-277S ExtremeLuminaire120-277Vac Power Input MLPXUVG-277S References #Title 1NFPA 70 edition 2020, Article 670 Industrial Machinery, 670.6 Surge Protection 2NFPA 70 edition 2014, “Data Assessment for Electrical Surge Protective Devices” 4NFPA 780 edition 2020, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems 5NFPA 79 edition 2018 6NFPA 79 edition 2018, Annex C, Examples of Industrial Machines Covered by NFPA 79 7ANSI C62.41, Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits 8ANSI C136.2, Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Dielectric Withstand and Electrical Transient 9UL8801, Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) Luminaire Systems 10UL1598, Luminaires 11UL924, Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment 12UL1449 5th Edition, Surge Protective Devices 13UL497B, Surge Protectors for Data Lines and Fire-Alarm Circuits 14UL497E, Antenna Lead-in Conductors 15UL508, Industrial Control Equipment 16UL508A, Industrial Control Panels 17UL1741, Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources 18IEC 61643-11, Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 11: Surge Protective Devices Connected To Low-Voltage Power Systems - Requirements And Test Methods 19IEC 61643-21, Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices - Part 21: Surge Protective Devices Connected To Telecommunications And Signalling Networks - Performance Requirements And Testing Methods 20IEC 61000-45, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing And Measurement Techniques - Surge Immunity Test 21CSA 107.1, General Use Power Supplies 22CSA 141, Emergency Lighting Equipment 23CSA 250, Luminaires 24NOM-001-SCFI, Standard for Electronic Equipment 25NOM-003-SCFI, Electrical Products - Safety Requirements 26SEMI S22, Electrical Contact us to develop a surge mitigation solution for your application Where to purchase Citel SPD's