24V Dataline Surge Protector for Class I, Div. 2- Hazardous Locations Hazardous Locations Defined Hazardous Locations consist of areas where there is the potential for fire or explosion due to electrical equipment that is in operation in this area with a reaction to flammable or ignitable gases, liquids, vapors, combustible dues, fibers or flying's. The need for Explosion-Proof equipment then arises due to this potential for fire or explosion. The National Electric Code (NEC) along with the National Fire Protection Association (NPFA) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) have published a guide along with codes that classify hazardous areas into class, divisions and zones. NEC Hazardous Location Definitions The "Combustion" or "Fire" Triangle is used to classify Hazardous Locations in the Explosion-Proof Industry. A source of fuel (explosive gases, liquids, or vapors), source of ignition (fire, spark, or explosion) and oxygen must be present in the appropriate consistencies for an explosion to occur. Explosion-proof enclosures and products are required to prevent these three ingredients from mixing in such a way that would generate an explosion. NFPA 70 defines Hazardous Location in terms of Classes, Divisions and Groups. They chart below summarize the NFPA 70 NEC Hazardous Location definitions. Class I, Division 2, Surge Protection Requirements The NEC Article 501 specifically addresses requirements for the Class I location. Section 501.35 requires that surge arrestors and surge protective devices (SPD) shall be nonarcing, such as metal-oxide varistors (MOV) sealed type. As such, the surge protector device (SPD) can be mounted inside a general-purpose enclosure. Surge protective devices (SPD) utilizing spark producing surge protection components are required to be installed into an enclosure identified for the location. The NEC also specifies that surge protective devices utilized in Class 1, Division 2 environments shall be evaluated and listed to UL121201. Recommended Surge Protector for 24V Dataline Installed into a Class I, Div. 2, Group A, B, C or D Hazardous Location CITEL's range of DLA-Ex products have been certified to UL 121202 and are listed under UL file E527349-Isolated Loop Circuit Protectors for Use in Hazardous Locations-(QVSI, OVSI7). The product below is recommended for data line protection installed into a Class 1, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D rated enclosure Part NumberCircuitMountingTemp.CodePicture DLA-24D3-Ex24VdcDIN Rail-in rated enclosureT5 References #Title 1NFPA 70 edition 2020-National Electrical Code (NEC) 2NFPA 70- Article 501- Class I requirements 3NFPA 70- Section 501.35-Surge protection requirements 4UL121201-Nonincendive Electrical Equipment Contact us to develop a surge mitigation solution for your application Where to purchase Citel GDT's